Every organization is looking for ways to prevent accidents and dangers whether they come from outside or inside. The Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS) standard, ISO 22301, was created to reduce the likelihood of outages and ensure that an unexpected event does not seriously harm a business.
At TAYLLORCOX, we have been working with BCMS for over ten years. ISO / IEC 22301 certification is offered by a number of companies, however only TAYLLORCOX offers a unique mix of benefits:
The introduction of a standardized BCMS in company management and certification to the ISO 22301 standard is a necessity for many companies. Only then can they be sure that their business will not be seriously damaged by unexpected events, such as natural disasters, IT and telecommunications outages, cyber-attacks or power outages. The ISO 22301 brings a number of other benefits:
You will eliminate or at least significantly reduce the risks to the continuity of processes.
You will set up comprehensive measures to identify hazards, reduce the likelihood of them occurring and find out how to deal with risk factors.
You will increase the agility of your company and significantly reduce your reaction time in the event of accidents.
You will implement a systemic and systematic approach to continuous monitoring and improvement of continuity management (BCMS).
You will strengthen the image and credibility of your company in the eyes of customers, business partners and employees. You will know that you are ready for the unexpected.
You will reduce costs related to dealing with unexpected events as well as damaging the company's good name.
You will reduce the costs related to internal and external continuity management audits. In addition, ISO 22301 allows you to obtain better insurance conditions.
With this international standard you will gain a significant competitive advantage over companies in your field.
At TAYLLORCOX we have developed a unique three-phase certification process that allows us to proceed with unrivalled speed and efficiency.
Předáme vašim zaměstnancům znalosti nezbytné pro udělení certifikace.
Kurz Business Continuity Management (ISO/IEC 22301) vás seznámí s analýzou dopadu ohrožení, testováním reakcí na hrozby nebo realizací plánů obnovy. Získáte komplexní workflow BCMS od návrhu, přes implementaci, až po optimalizaci a proaktivní eliminaci hrozeb. Znalosti využijete ve firmě jakéhokoli odvětví, typu i velikosti.
Náš další kurz, BCMS Auditor, je koncipován tak, aby kandidátům poskytl detailní informace o požadavcích auditu, celém životním cyklu interního a certifikačního auditu ve shodě se standardem ISO 22301. Vede ho náš Lead Auditor ISO 22301, který je zároveň BCM TTT (Business Continuity Train the Trainer).
Připravili jsme pro vás balíček podpůrných materiálů, které usnadní cestu k úspěšné certifikaci.
Propracovaný systém dokumentů BCMS zahrnuje kompletní šablony, vzory a formuláře, a to včetně kontrolních listů. S nimi budete mít jistotu, že máte řízení kontinuity činností organizace pod kontrolou. Autory toolkitu jsou naši akreditovaní auditoři, přední odborníci na ISO 22301, kteří garantují věcnou správnost a kvalitu všech obsažených materiálů.
Získejte potvrzení, že je vaše firma perfektně připravená na nenadálé situace.
Certifikaci osobně provede náš vedoucí auditor. První stupeň interního auditu – desktop review – se zaměří na popis aktuálního stavu CBMS dokumentace z hlediska její komplexnosti i kompletnosti. Na něj naváže process review, kde vyhodnotíme shodu dokumentace s realitou a sestavíme seznam potřebných opatření.
We will analyse your situation and we will design a specific certification procedure to ensure it meets your real needs. Moreover, we can flexibly respond to your ad-hoc requests during the certification process.
We are part of an international company which is the basis of our know-how and background. Our auditors are top experts taking part in the creation of relevant laws.
We will take over most of the administrative burden for you and thanks to our experience and detailed customization we can implement the certification process up to 75% faster than our competition.
As the only accreditation body on the market, we will also provide training for you and your employees. This is one of the reasons why the vast majority of our certifications result in success.
We offer the best quality : certification price ratio. We manage to adapt to corporations as well as start-ups, and our outputs are always just as precise.
Although our team is full of renowned specialists from a wide range of industries we are completely normal people. We provide clients with the best customer care and devote our energy to their education.
We constantly bring news and important information (not only) about ISO 22301 our blog.
The answer to the need to protect the company from outages is BCMS - Business Continuity Management Systems. Its Business Impact Analysis (BIA) evaluates the impact of disruption to the supply of key products or services, sets the Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption, the Recovery Time Objectives and the minimum required Level of Business Continuity. The Risk Assessment methodology allows you to understand threats, describes the vulnerability of the organization and possible impacts. This is followed by selection of appropriate measures that will reduce the likelihood of emergencies, reduce downtime and reduce the impact on key products and services.
With the ISO / IEC 22301 certificate, you will send your customers, business partners or authorities a clear message that BCMS is at your high level.
ISO 22301 is part of the standards issued by the International Organization for Standardization, abbreviated ISO. The structure of the standard is based on the PDCA (plan-do-check-act) methodology, which facilitates integration with other ISO standards.
Často kladené otázky o certifikaci ISO 22301
V čem naší firmě pomůže ISO 22301?
Každá moderní firma je citlivá na výpadky zdrojů, ať už jde o energie nebo datové připojení. Úlohou BCMS, a tedy i ISO 22301, je pomoci firmám těmto nenadálým situacím předcházet a minimalizovat dopady, pokud už k nehodě dojde. Firma fungující podle standardu ISO ISO 22301 ví, co v případě přerušení dodávek zdrojů dělat, miminalizuje ztráty a rychleji obnovuje provoz.
Jak rychle může certifikace proběhnout?
To je individuální, vždy je potřeba zohlednit situací dané firmy. Jsme součástí mezinárodní společnosti, a proto disponujeme rozsáhlým know-how, týmem zkušených odborníků i zázemí. Díky tomu dokážeme certifikační proces zrealizovat až o 75 % rychleji než konkurence.
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