With the ISO 16363 certificate, you send your customers, business partners or authorities a clear message that your digital storage is sufficiently trustworthy. The certificate also demonstrates that you are complying with all the requirements set by the Act on Archiving and the File Service (499/2004).
At TAYLLORCOX, we have years of experience with digital storage. ISO 16363 certification is offered by a small number of companies. In TAYLLORCOX you get a unique mix of benefits:
Certification to the ISO 16363 standard is a way to meet the requirements imposed on the digital repository by the Act on Archiving and the File Service (499/2004). However, the benefits of certification go far beyond just meeting a legal obligation:
You will strengthen the image and credibility of your company in the eyes of customers, business partners and employees. It will be clear that your digital storage is completely trustworthy.Dostojíte zákonu 499/2004 Sb. o archivnictví a spisové službě.
You will comply with Act 499/2004 Coll. on archiving and file service.
You get an advantage in public procurement, where the requirement for certification may occur.
Increase employee awareness of digital storage trust issues.
You will eliminate or at least significantly reduce the risks associated with digital storage.
You will implement a systemic and systematic approach when using digital storage.
You will build processes for continuous monitoring and improvement.
You will reduce costs related to the resolution of security incidents, fines and damage to the company's reputation.
At TAYLLORCOX we have developed a unique three-phase certification process that allows us to proceed with unrivalled speed and efficiency.
Předáme vašim zaměstnancům znalosti nezbytné pro udělení certifikace.
Podmínkou pro získání ISO 16363 jsou prokazatelné relevantní znalosti vašich zaměstnanců. Všechny potřebné kurzy u nás vedou mezinárodně akreditovaní auditoři s rozsáhlou praxí. Seznámíme vás s potřebnými standardy a zaměstnance důkladně proškolíme.
Připravili jsme pro vás balíček podpůrných materiálů, které vám usnadní cestu k úspěšné certifikaci
Propracovaný systém dokumentů zahrnuje kompletní šablony, vzory a formuláře, které vás provedou sestavením klíčové příručky pro celou firmu, a to včetně kontrolních listů. S nimi budete mít jistotu, že jste optimalizovali všechny procesy ve firmě, jak vyžaduje legislativa i certifikace. Autory toolkitu jsou naši akreditovaní auditoři, přední odborníci na ISO 16363, kteří garantují věcnou správnost a kvalitu všech obsažených materiálů.
Získejte potvrzení, že vaše firemní procesy odpovídají přísným normám kybernetické bezpečnosti.
Certifikaci osobně provede náš vedoucí auditor. První stupeň interního auditu – desktop review – se zaměří na popis aktuálního stavu dokumentace z hlediska její komplexnosti i kompletnosti. Na něj naváže process review, kde vyhodnotíme shodu dokumentace s realitou a sestavíme seznam potřebných opatření.
We are an accredited inspection certification body for laws falling under the Public Administration Information System and Czech Institute for Accreditation.
We work closely with a renowned attestation centre based in Birmingham, England. Thanks to this, we are able to offer a certificate from an authority that meets the international requirements of ISO 45011(General Requirements for Bodies Operating an ICT Product Certification System).
We will analyse your situation and we will design a specific certification procedure to ensure it meets your real needs. Moreover, we can flexibly respond to your ad-hoc requests during the certification process.
We are part of an international company which is the basis of our know-how and background. Our auditors are top experts taking part in the creation of relevant laws.
We will take over most of the administrative burden for you and thanks to our experience and detailed customization we can implement the certification process up to 75% faster than our competition.
As the only accreditation body on the market, we will also provide training for you and your employees. This is one of the reasons why the vast majority of our certifications result in success.
We offer the best quality : certification price ratio. We manage to adapt to corporations as well as start-ups, and our outputs are always just as precise.
Although our team is full of renowned specialists from a wide range of industries we are completely normal people. We provide clients with the best customer care and devote our energy to their education.
We constantly bring news and important information (not only) about digital storage on našem our blog.
The ISO 16363 certificate declares to customers, partners and shareholders that your digital storage solution fully meets the requirements for reliable data storage in accordance with the standards of the Czech Republic and the European Union, which will be appreciated especially by multinational corporations. It should also be required by contracting authorities, as a certificate issued by an independent accreditation body to confirm the credibility of service.
The issue of digital files is being promoted in the Czech Republic in relation with the introduction of the electronic file service. The Czech legal system clearly requires the credibility of the digital registry, and the ISO 16363: 12 and ISO 14721: 12 standards are a suitable methodological guide on how to achieve this.
Only an accredited attestation centre or an international inspection and certification body is able to confirm the competence of "trusted digital repositories", especially to the extent defined by ISO 16363, resp. § 68 - 69a of Act No. 499/2004 on archiving and file service.
The requirements imposed on products with a purpose of electronic administration and archiving of data are firmly enshrined in Czech legislation. Activities in this field are regulated by Act 499/2004 Coll. and its paragraphs § 68 - 69a, Decree 191/2009, Moreq II, but also the national standard for electronic filing services. Only certification from an accredited authority such as TAYLLORCOX is recognized worldwide.
Často kladené otázky o certifikaci ISO 16363
Proč certifikovat digitální úložiště?
Audit a certifikace repozitářů podle ISO 16363 jsou klíčové pro splnění normativních požadavků na dlouhodobou archivaci. Standardizuje se formát dat, metadata samotná a především procesy.
Jak mi může certifikát ISO 16363 pomoci?
Účelem certifikace je deklarovat kvalitu vašeho digitálního repozitáře směrem k dodavatelům, implementačním partnerům, státní správě a jiným koncovým uživatelům. Certifikát je zásadní i tam, kde ho jako záruku vyspělých služeb vyžadují podmínky veřejné zakázky.
Pro jaký typ digitálních úložišť lze certifikaci doporučit?
Tato mezinárodní norma stanovuje certifikační postup pro posuzování důvěryhodnosti všech typů digitálních úložišť.
Co je předmětem certifikace: software nebo organizace?
Certifikace vždy přezkoumá shodu nástroje a procesů konkrétního archivu. To však nevylučuje certifikaci softwaru přímo pro výrobce, neboť každý developer má alespoň jednu identickou instalaci pro interní účely a testování.